The Biden Administration Coercing Media Outlets To Toe The Liberal Line

According to a new report from the conservative news outlet, The Blaze, the Biden administration paid hundreds of mainstream media outlets to promote the COVID vaccines. It's not a surprise in at all, just further confirmation.

"It's media doing the bidding of the government" said Joseph Vazquez with the Media Research Center, "And what is the whole purpose of it? It's the same thing that we've seen with Big Tech, that the government is colluding to silence conservative voices. The fact that they're funding the media is par for the course, they want to control the narrative."

We're not talking about just a few of the big media outlets, they gave money to hundreds. And if that's not bad enough, they did it all with taxpayer dollars.

"They want to control speech with Big Tech, and they also want to control the information flow" Vazquez told KTRH, "Why? Because information is power. They realized that in 2020, and now they don't want to let that power go. And then they look at the American people, they think we're stupid, and then they can tell us that they're still somehow being objective."

It's also worth noting that the chairman of Reuters news is also on the board for Pfizer.

And the Democrats are not done yet. In a separate report, (D) Rep. Jamie Raskin is now trying to get all pro-life content censored on social media.

Photo: Diy13 / iStock / Getty Images

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