The Head Of The RNC Is Not Worried About Donor Concerns

With less than 50 days to go now until the Iowa Caucuses, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel is downplaying donor concerns, with RNC donations at their lowest levels since 2015.

But many Republicans believe that McDaniel is a big part of the problem.

"There are some donors that wanted a change in Chairmanship" said the former 3xChair of the Republican Party of Texas, Steve Munisteri, "I think results matter. We don't have the White House, we don't have the Senate. People reward good results, and they penalize for poor results."

There is also the problem of disconnect and division within the party, with Trump almost a non-entity even though he is blowing the rest of the field away in the polls. McDaniel says many Republican voters are donating to their preferred candidate directly, rather than to the RNC.

"The reason why Ronna McDaniel is Chairman, is because she was president Trump's choice" Munisteri told KTRH, "I would suspect he is giving her a certain amount of goodwill because she was his Chairman, but I can tell from his social statements that his patience seems to be wearing a little thin."

Munisteri believes that once Trump is officially the GOP nominee, support within the party will rise, along with donations."

Photo: Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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