Texas School Choice Still Up In The Air With Fourth Special Session

Gov. Greg Abbott ignores calls to hold off on a fourth special session, forcing lawmakers back to Austin ahead of the holidays.

"The Speaker and lieutenant governor are setting aside their personal difference to try to get something done on border security, which is kind of what I expected at the beginning of the last special session. I think they probably will get that done," says Scott Braddock at Harvey Kronberg's The Quorum Report.

But he says a school choice plan is still up in the air.

"All year long, you have heard the governor and supporters of school vouchers say they want an up or down vote in the Texas House on this. They may get that vote, but they may not like the result," says Braddock.

At this point, Braddock does not believe Abbott has the numbers to pass a voucher plan.

"There may be a move to take school vouchers out of the proposal that's been put forward in the House, and then move that bill forward. I do believe if that proposal was made, to strip out vouchers, it would pass."

Photo: Christy Pohler / Moment / Getty Images

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