How Much Does It Cost To Be The Mayor Of Houston?

With less than a week to go until election day, you're seeing and hearing a lot more commercials. So just how much does it cost to be the mayor of Houston?

"Between $15 and $20 million with still about a week to go" said Rice University's Mark Jones, "So, I think we're probably going to be somewhere in the low $20's when the dust settles after November 7th, and then of course there will be extra expenditures as we move towards a likely December runoff."

A runoff that will likely be between the two Democrats, John Whitmire and Sheila Jackson Lee. The same Sheila Jackson Lee is attacking Whitmire over abortion, even though Whitmire is pro choice!

"Jackson Lee's ads are at the best misleading, and the worst outright lies" Jones told KTRH, "But that's what we would expect at this stage in the campaign because Jackson Lee looks at the poll numbers and sees that she's down."

It's worth pointing out, being Mayor has nothing to do with abortion. At all. It's just an emotional ploy to try and drum up support from fellow Democrats.

As for fellow mayoral candidates Gilbert Garcia and Lee Kaplan, it's hard not to say that they are wasting their money.

If there is a runoff between John Whitmire and Sheila Jackson Lee, right now the polling shows Whitmire with a double digit lead.

Photo: Jemal Countess / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

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