Wind farms shown to warm climate, defeating their entire purpose

The green energy march has been ongoing for decades now, as Democrats cry about global warming, and how they are going to be the ones to save the planet. Through their wind farms ,solar energy, and electric cars, they will save the earth. That is even amid scientific data that says not only is climate change a bit of a farce, but that their green initiatives are actually harmful to the environment.

Now, studies have come about from Harvard, yes of all places the lefty liberal Harvard University, says now that wind warms actually warm the climate. Which, if you have been following along in recent years, is the polar opposite of their intention.

Policy Fellow Isaac Orr with The American Experiment says these farms have created a bit of a vacuum.

"The wind is not causing warming, but they are redistributing heat into the night, warm air tends to rise a bit. If wind is is acting as a giant fan, and pushing that heat down to the surface," he says.

We are coming fresh off a hot, dry summer where crop yield suffered. In the long run, this problem advances that factor as well.

"We need to be concerned...when people talk abotu damage to crops from high temperatures...we are eseentially having more localized, large warming from the turbines than from having higher emmissions," says Orr.

Funny enough, this study from Harvard came out all the way back in 2018 and has just been tucked away for over half a decade. All the while, people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and other green pushers, scream about more wind farms, and renewable energy.

But, with all the time invested, they have to push these problems under the rug.

"The vested interest...there is trillions of dollars for your money at play, because of the tax subsidies the Feds are pouring into these industries," he says. "There is a big, vested interest in not talking about these scientifically valid problems we have with wind and even solar."

But in the words of infomercial legend Billy Mays: wait, there is more!

Not only are there problems with their basic functionality, but the materials also to construct them alone are problematic eventually.

"The wind turbine blades...they last maybe 10 to 15 years. There are no good option for those besides landfills," he says. "Then, when you talks about decommissioning one...they only remove the first three feet of the concrete foundation...and that is about 70 percent of the mass of the turbine."

Form there, they just leave the concrete in the ground and move on to their next big idea.

"They call it 'in place disposal,' which sounds a lot like littering to me," he says.

But, nevertheless, there will be more cries for green energy heading into 2024, and the upcoming election cycle. All of it might be their undoing as well.

Photo: Blue Planet Studio / iStock / Getty Images

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