Biden’s Weak Leadership Is Opposite Of Reagan’s ‘Peace Through Strength’

With so many bad things going on in the world right now, here at home and across the globe, you can't blame people for longing for the days of the late great Ronald Reagan.

And then there's Joe Biden.

"Joe Biden couldn't even hold Ronald Reagan's jockstrap, I'm sorry" said author and Reagan biographer, Craig Shirley, "He is no leader at all, he won by default. The American people have caught on, he's a phony and a fraud, and a fake."

Quite the opposite of Ronald Reagan, who believed in leading with "peace through strength".

"Peace through strength came from Barry Goldwater, and then Reagan adopted it for himself" Shirley told KTRH, "It's part of the Republican philosophy today. Joe Biden has been a very weak president, so he's inviting Chinese and Russian aggression. These things never would happen if Trump had been president, or Reagan had been president."

But they are happening today. In the meantime, Shirley has a new book coming out next year. It's titled - The Search For Reagan.

Photo: Getty Images / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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