How Convenient – War Takes Eyes Off The Biden Bribery Probes

Just when you thought that -maybe- there would be a sliver of accountability for Joe Biden, a big event happens and serves as a distraction.

Whether it's something with Donald Trump, House Republicans, Russia-Ukraine, or now the attack on Israel, these 'Biden breaks' seem to happen at just the right time.

"Biden's been very fortunate with that" said writer and political commentator Joseph Curl, "And you have to remember that's how he got into office. He was able to literally campaign from his basement, but yes it has been very coincidental that these giant things keep occurring just as bad things are happening for Joe Biden."

Coincidental, but also part of the plan, as Biden and the Democrats try and run out the clock before next year's election.

"For the liberal media, they're just going to try to spin whatever good they have, there's not much, and avoid everything else " Curl told KTRH, "And talk about a difference between Donald Trump? Donald Trump would come out and do :90 minutes of combat with the media regularly, and he would not run out the clock like Biden and Obama."

But that is the plan. We will see if they can stick to it.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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