Hispanics fleeing Democrat party as Biden's term flounders

It has long been a push of the Democrats to allow immigrants Hispanic immigrants into the country, in hopes that would be their next massive base of voters. For some time, it has benefitted them. But now, the sands are shifting, as Hispanics begin leaving behind the Democrats.

Polls show that Biden currently holds a 50% to 40% lead among hispanic voters, which is a farcry from the 65% margin he held in the 2020 election.

Maria Espinoza of The Rememberance Project says this exodus from the Left all began during the Donald Trump term.

"The masses came on board where they saw Turmp's policies working, and saw his policies placing more money in their pocket...and that he really cared about the safety of our communities and businesses," she says.

Trump's America First policy was important to Hispanics as a whole. But beyond him, they have just started seeing how ineffective, and lameness of the current administration.

"I think more Hispanics are doing more of their own research and realizing...this Administration is not very friendly to their families," she says.

Friendly to families has definitely not been the motto of the Biden administration. Rocketing inflation and interest rates have put people in more credit card debt than ever before, and placed strains on day-to-day life.

This exodus though really comes down to Hispanic values as well.

"We are llooking at a party that has removed God from it's platform. That is very near and dear to us...and it is a non-starter for the Hispanic community," says Espinoza.

But back to Bidenomics, Hispanics have really been a major victim of the disasterous policy. The Census Bureau has reported real median nation incomes have declined under Biden, but Hispanic Americans have seen the biggest drop. Their household income rose $6,710 during the Trump boom.

It is not getting better anytime soon, either.

"You see more jobs leaving the country...where are we going to find jobs to feed children, kee a roof over our heads? You are seeing their agenda release violent criminals into the community. This is not a life anyone wants in America," she says.

Ultimately though, this switch boils down to seeing the writing on the wall.

"We are paying more attention, and care about what is happening...they are seeing the exact same policies take place in America that have taken hold in countries they fled," she says. "Now look at the countries...they are completely destroyed."

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