Tables are turning in the American workplace --- Gen Z-ers are now finding fault with their Baby Boomer co-workers' annoying habits.
They are calling out Boomers for being hung up on titles. Michael Cupps with Active Ops gives the Boomers' side. "There was a meritocracy system for those Boomer individuals. Now, The Gen-Z people, they all got a trophy for playing soccer. Whether they played in a game, made a goal or not. Everyone was equal. Everything is fair. That's the way they grew up!"
They say Boomers want to boss them around. Cupps explains: "Boomers are seeing these young 'kids' coming into the work place who are probably the age of their own kids! These folks are used to setting the rules. The 'youngsters' coming in, well, they probably don't want to see the rules set by their parents [in whose basement they could be living] when it comes to their workplace." Other complaints include wasting paper and communicating by talking instead of typing.
Gen Z and Baby Boomers in the Workplace
Boomers don't like Gen Z-ers' lazy attitude and Gen Zers don't like the way Boomers always want to talk about an issue. Cupps explains. "It's an interesting divisive area where the 'younger generation' wants to communicate electronically - instead of talking to someone face to face! That's just the way they have evolved!"
Cupps has advice for Boomers who just want to get along: "You know so much about the company and the job you are doing, and if you can find a friendly way of departing that knowledge to them, it will make them better and they will see that that knowledge will help them advance their career in due time."
Good luck with that!
Gen Zer and Boomer trying to work together.