Money For Nothin' – Harris County Quietly Launches Universal Income Program

The recently approved Harris County 'universal income pilot program' is set to launch in September, but the outcry against the government handouts, is well underway.

"Harris County officials fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of government" said James Quintero with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, "They're expanding the welfare state, and they're creating a system of dependency and voters ought to be furious with the direction that the County Commissioner's Court is going."

In a 4-1 vote, Harris County Commissioners decided to use $20.5 million of federal pandemic relief money, to give 1,500 qualifying families $500 a month for 18 months, to use on whatever they want.

But then what happens when the program ends?

"Once this money runs out, there's going to be a temptation to continue the program using local tax dollars" Quintero told KTRH, "We don't need Texas tax dollars going to fund, California-style big government programs."

There is also the question of using the funds for undocumented immigrants, which is still being discussed, and is under consideration.

Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey was the only one to vote against the program.

Hand holding out money, multiple hands receiving

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