Americans Value Time with Family Above All Else

Pew Research Center asked Americans was the single most important thing in their life is: family time was overwhelmingly the number one response. 73% rated family time as somewhere between one of the most important things to somewhat important. No more than one-third rated anything higher. Dr. Viviana Coles, lead therapist with Houston Relationship Therapy, says we center our lives around the people we love. “I find that people really, really value their primary relationships. Whether they’re romantic, or familial, or collegial, relationships count the most in life,” she tells KTRH News.

The Pew Research study found that the individual’s value on family time isn’t based on the number of hours spent together. Number two on the list was practicing your religious faith, followed by being physically active, being outdoors and experiencing nature, and being successful in your career.

Family matters. Family time matters most.

“It’s at the top of the list because it is a huge departure from their daily life. Work can really suck the energy out of you,” says Dr. Coles. Family can revive your soul.

Here's Pew Research's report:

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