It's Now Biden vs. The Freedom Caucus

With House Republicans finally getting the chance to push back against some of the Democrats radical agenda, the Biden administration has found a new target. The GOP Freedom Caucus.

"Biden's team has concluded that it's good politics to define Republicans by their most extreme members" said Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak, "And in their mind, they think using the term MAGA, and going after members of the Freedom Caucus gives them a political advantage."

A political advantage, as well as cover for all of the failed policy decisions, and damage that has been done over the last two years.

"Biden has skated through his first two years, with really almost no accountability for the consequences and decisions that they've made " Mackowiak told KTRH, "The more they attack a conservative group within the House Republicans, I think the more it shows that they're not focused on the problems that the average American family is facing."

They're real focus is more spending, and trying to force Republicans into raising the debt ceiling.

Photo: Getty Images

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