Evidence Harris County Election Issues May Have Been More Than Incompetence

Republicans and Democrats still disagree on the Harris County elections debacle, but the evidence is clear, and mounting. Republican voters in Harris County were cheated in November.

"If this same thing happened in Democratic strongholds, in the Heights, Montrose, Fifth Ward, there would be screams for the Justice Department to come in because it's voter suppression" said Wayne Dolcefino, longtime investigative reporter and now media consultant, "How did a county that had 4 million pieces of ballot paper, run out of paper in a bunch of precincts?"

Those are the questions that Dolcefino and his firm are trying to get answers to, along with Mattress Mack, who has filed a lawsuit against the county. Unfortunately, the county is not co-operating. According to initial reports, the evidence of voter fraud is overwhelming.

"The bottom line is, maps don't lie, politicians do" Dolcefino told KTRH, "It is outrageous that the County Judge, and the Election Administrator, are running away from simple, legitimate questions of what the hell happened."

Meanwhile, there are several other Harris County election lawsuits that are on-going. But Dolcefino says his investigation is not about the results, it's about the truth and transparency for the public.

Photo: Getty Images

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