POLL QUESTION: Are we ready for foreign threats?

With very few answers from Joe Biden and the White House, regarding the Chinese spy balloon debacle, lot's of questions remain. Such as, how were we not prepared? And how did this happen?

"This looks like Keystone cops, this really looks like we're asleep at the switch" said Ed Turzanski, a national security expert, "You have to ask the question why that Chinese balloon was able to proceed the way it does, and it did have directional capability. and we didn't do anything about it."

When you add that to the list over the last couple of years, it's just the latest hit to our U.S. military.

"Post Afghanistan, the credibility of the Pentagon has been shattered" Turzanski told KTRH, "I think they're having trouble recruiting because people of quality have looked at the military and said, no thank you. I don't want to join a 'woke' brigade, people look at us and say we're an easy mark."

The two things at the top of the list of protecting America are, protect our air space, and protect our borders. The Biden administration has now failed at both.

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