POLL QUESTION: Is Trump still the future of the GOP?

The re-election campaign for former president Donald Trump is officially underway, but there are some Republicans who have some questions and concerns.

One of them, as written by Vince Coyner of Imperfect USA for American Thinker, is Trump worth the fight in 2024?

"When I ask the question that I did, it wasn't because I'm a never-Trumper or anything like that, I'm literally just the opposite" Coyner said, "But at the end of the day, he's been out of office for a couple of years, and did he learn enough to be able to say, ok I'm going to do things a little bit differently here, follow me into battle."

The concerns are, some of the mistakes that Trump made before he left office. And now moving forward, there are questions about who Trump is opting support, especially after that came back to bite him in last year's midterms.

"He supported Kevin McCarthy, Ronna McDaniel, and he had Lindsey Graham at his South Carolina launch" Coyner told KTRH, "And those guys are fair weather friends, I call them grifters, and if he's going to have those guys as his team of leaders? then I think we're in trouble, because I think those guys don't care."

Coyner added that he does care, and he thinks that Trump will ultimately be the nominee for the GOP. He's just not sure if that's going to be enough.

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