Dating Apps Perfect for 50+!

Dating Expert Andrea McGinty of 33 Thousand Dates says online dating apps are great for those who haven't dated in decades. "How are you going to meet people?!?! We have our friend groups, our special interest groups (golfing, gardening, old movies). You have to get out of the rut of the same social groups!" She says don't be surprised that this is a growing group! "For this age group - online dating is super strong. There are 10 or 15 really good online dating sites for this age group in Houston alone!"

McGinty says have a lot of first dates, get comfortable with new people, and then if you wish-look for a relationship. Online dating seems to be made for single people over 50 - especially if they haven't dated in decades. "Forget the relationship, forget a second marriage or anything like that, just get comfortable talking with somebody!" McGinty says times have changed and a first date doesn't involve picking up some one at their home with flowers in hand. "No - we don't do any of that stuff! We meet for drinks, we meet for coffee, we meet for lunch in a saft, public place.. There's no flowers or knowing the other's address. There's nothing like that any more!"

She says people over 50 tend to get settled with the same groups of people, and online dating opens other doors for them. "And...50s still seems pretty young!"


Dating apps for 50+ start with a simple meeting in a safe place.

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