'Melting Pot of Mediocrity': Critics Blast Equity Movement

What was once a push for equality, then became a push for equity, has now just become crazy. The left's extreme agenda recently hit a crescendo with the outrageous story of Virginia schools that did not notify students of their national merit scholar achievements, in the name of 'equity.' This has led to some critics dubbing the equity movement a 'War on Competence.'

"We are no longer giving people a nod for actually having academic excellence, because it's too rooted in what color their skin is," says Anthony Russo, political commentator and founder of the #BeTheChange movement. "The country has just kind of stopped caring about excellence...instead they care more about making sure that everybody from every skin color have formed one big melting pot of mediocrity."

The craziness seems to only be ramping up. Recently, far-left Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) went so far as to say, "IQ is a measure of whiteness."

Russo believes this type of rhetoric and behavior is hurting the next generation and will ultimately weaken society. "It is already creating individual anger between families and between kids at school," he tells KTRH. "We're not raising people to learn anything."

"Across the board, this is just creating so many problems and probably in the end, more dissension and more division than what their stated goal is," he continues.

A recent survey seems to back that up, as it finds 52% of employees believe their company practices reverse discrimination in hiring, and 70% believe their company only has diversity and equity programs for appearances' sake. "We are seeing a major regression in a movement that really should be for equality...but when you bring in the word equity it becomes a problem," says Russo.

Photo: Westend61

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