The Financial Cost Of Illegal Immigration And How You’re Paying For It

As the Biden border crisis continues, and is only expected to get worse in the months ahead (if that's even possible!), we continue to hear about all of the jaw-dropping numbers of illegal immigrants.

But what about the costs? It turns out, all of the 'free' care that the illegals are receiving, is anything but free.

"No, nothing is free" said Selene Rodriguez, assistant director with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, "Texans have paid between $579 million dollars, and $700 million a year, for hospital districts to provide that unconcentrated care for illegal migrants, and that was before the uptick in the crisis."

The Texas border communities are still completely overwhelmed, and under-funded, all thanks to the Biden administration's illegal border policies. In the meantime, the state of Texas is stuck with millions of illegals, and a massive bill.

"There's only so much that the state of Texas can spend, and the cost is already unsustainable" Rodriguez told KTRH, "The Texas legislature and the governor have already allocated well over $4 billion dollars to this, just in the past couple of years, which is beyond what we used to allocate, and now we're already at over $4 billion in just two years."

Texas lawmakers are expected to approve even more funding for the on-going border crisis, during the current legislative session, which is underway in Austin.

Photo: Getty Images

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