POLL QUESTION: The War on Christmas

Like everything else that is good, Christmas is once again under attack in America. From the media, to 'woke' parents, who refuse to teach their kids about Santa Claus because it traumatizing.

"I just think it's ridiculous" said former state representative Dwayne Bohac, "Now you have to tear down the common holidays that we all celebrate, you tear down our Judeo-Christian roots because everybody lives here now, you've got to tear that all down to get to a 'authoritarian system', that's what the end game is."

As bad as it may be, thankfully Christmas cannot be cancelled here in Texas! In case you forgot, state rep. Bohac passed the 'Merry Christmas Bill' in 2013.

"It is ok to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah in the classroom" Bohac told KTRH, "We gave all 1,200 school districts, we just put into law a safe harbor that would prevent organizations like the ACLU, or disgruntled parents, from filing lawsuits trying to keep the celebration of Christmas or Hanukkah, out of the public school system."

It's still ok to say Merry Christmas in Texas!

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