Biden’s Hateful Rhetoric Toward The GOP Echoed By Man Who Killed Teenager

Can you imagine if a 41-year old Trump supporter, got into a political argument with a Democrat teenager, and then got so enraged that he struck the teen with his car, and then left him to die?

That is exactly what happened in North Dakota, except for the fact that it was a Democrat driver, that struck and killed a teenage Republican. He told police he was inspired by Joe Biden's anti-MAGA speech.

"It's enraging" said Brandon Morse, editor at Red State, "This guy goes out and he kills a kid who happened to identify as a Republican, and in their eyes they do not consider this too great a crime to lock him up. Apparently, in our system now, murder is justified if you murder the right person."

There is really no disputing that. The 41-year old driver admitted to police that after a political argument, he struck the teen with his car, and then left him to die. The next morning he was back home on $50,000 bail.

"I'm shocked, but I'm not surprised because this is not the first time that the left has gotten violent, and killed somebody over a political disagreement" Morse told KTRH, "The Black Lives Matter protests, and the riots are huge examples of that."

Sadly, it's just another example of our two-tiered justice system in the U.S.

Photo: Getty Images

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