In-demand professionals should have good negotiation skills.

Qualified, experienced professionals are in demand by good companies and Workplace expert Joshua Evans says when accepting a new job offer, they should negotiate for every benefit they can. Evans says preparation is key. "If a candidate can prove to an organization that they bring to the table more than just the hours they will work, then the hiring manager will be more willing to negotiate."

Here are some benefits to discuss. "People should be asking for flexible work schedules and hours so it better fits their personal life. They should definitely ask for more personal time off. They should be able to negotiate remote and work-from-home options with their employer." He says to start with the salary because most companies are actually prepared to pay at least 12% more than what they offer. He also says to make sure included are the basic benefits requests also include more paid vacation, a percentage of remote work time and a flexible schedule. And here's a great idea: "They should be asking for QUARTERLY reviews --- not just yearly reviews." This gives the new employee 4 chances at a raise every year! Evans also says to let them know other talents you bring to the table.

He says most negotiations are done electronically and rarely face-to-face.

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Job offers should be negotiated so the candidate can get the best package available.

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