Military Experts Warn Recruitment Shortfalls Could Pose Security Risk

Military experts warn a shortfall of troops could put our national security at risk.

Every branch of the military is failing to meet its 2022 recruiting goals. It's possible by the end of the year, the Army, for example, could end up with a shortfall of 40,000. Experts say the current labor market is one reason, but the big problem is the declining percentage of young Americans eligible to serve due to obesity or drug use. Retired Lieutenant General Thomas Spoehr says it's a dangerous trend.

“You still need a strong military,” Spoehr explained. “You still need people able to carry Javelin anti-tank missiles across the battlefield. You’re not going to get that if you start wavering on your standards and people can’t do the missions.”

Pentagon officials continue to consider financial bonuses, faster promotions, and other incentives.

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