Why Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About Massive Protests Around The Globe

There's a lot that you don't get to see or hear from the mainstream media, especially if you're a conservative. And now there's yet another item you can add to the list.

There are massive protests going on all around the globe, triggered by radical, left-wing policies. But again, you never hear a thing about them.

"Yes, I think they're purposely skipping them" said Beth Whitehead, contributor for The Federalist, "There's 120,000 people protesting in France, 100,000 people protesting in Spain, it doesn't make sense that mainstream media would avoid the two largest protests happening in the modern world at the moment."

But they are, and they do. Why? Because the big government, socialist policies hit a little bit too close to home, for the corporate funded media.

"We're not hearing about it from American media, because they're so similar to what the Biden regime is doing now to this country" said Nick Kangadis with the Media Research Center, "They don't want to conflate the failures that are going on in foreign countries, to what we're currently imposing on ourselves now."

Both expect the protests to increase here in the U.S., especially with the looming 'climate lockdowns', but don't expect to read about it in the New York Times.

Photo: Getty Images

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