Technology is Making Your Car a Candy Store of Distraction

More people die in car accidents than by gunfire every year. Yet the left wants to ban guns but not a word on the dangers of distractive driving.

Auto makers put a small TV in your car's dashboard for you to use while you're driving --- what could go wrong?

The CDC says nine people in the United States are killed every day in crashes involving a distracted driver. Psychology Professor at the University of Utah Dr. David Strayer studies the effects of the distraction # technology causes in your car. "Touch screens, heads-up displays, Voice Commands -- the car is making it so that a driver can do all kinds of things that may not be safe to do while driving!" Dr. Sayer's group is amazed at the length of time drivers have their eyes off the road. "When you try and interact with anything on the screen, multiple menus, and take your eyes off the road --- the Crash Risk goes up really quickly!"

The CDC says at 55 miles an hour sending or reading a text is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed.

More people die in car accidents than by gunfire every year. Yet the left wants to ban guns but not a word on the dangers of distractive driving.

In Texas sending and receiving electronic messages while driving is illegal.

Distracted Driving - Texas Department of Transportation


Texting and driving wreck hitting pedestrian

Driving distracted can be murder.

Photo: Getty Images

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