What Journalists Say Privately About Their Bias

We've been talking about the corrupt mainstream media for the last six year, and pretty much everything we've said is true! (Just like with Covid!)

According to a new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, the two biggest flaws from the media right now are, not getting the story right, and not being unbiased.

"The journalism industry doesn't do enough self introspection" said Depauw University media professor, Jeff McCall, "I think it's quite interesting that the journalism industry recognizes that they have some problems, that they have some things to work on."

Pew surveyed nearly 12,000 journalists, who ranked the things that they thought they did well, along with admitting to the things they do not do well.

Topping the list, the journalists actually acknowledged the #1 thing they do wrong, is not getting the story right!

"These are the journalists critiquing themselves, which I thought was very interesting" said FOX News contributor, Adam Goodman.

The other stunning admission? The media members finally confirmed what we've all known for years. They are not objective, or reporting the truth. Most admit, they are indeed biased.

"Let's face it, the public has been ahead of this game for a long time" McCall told KTRH, "The public has recognized the news industry is biased, so I think it's good that the news industry is finally recognizing that they have a problem with bias, but now that they acknowledge that, and they acknowledge a problem getting facts right, it's time for them to fix that."

They both said that hopefully someday, we will have a fair and legitimate mainstream news media again.

Photo: Getty Images

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