POLL QUESTION: Biden and the 25th Amendment

The Democrats had no problem whatsoever throwing around the 25th amendment when Donald Trump was in office, but now under Joe Biden? Crickets.

Biden's blunders are becoming a scary, and daily occurrence. A year ago everybody joked about how Biden has lost it, but this is not funny anymore. Our nation is now at risk.

As Tucker Carlson said recently on FOX, it's time to invoke the 25th amendment.

"Look, it feels almost like we're being mean to the guy by quoting him, and no wants that, no one is making fun of his age or his diminished condition" Carlson said, "If there was in U.S. history ever a time to invoke the 25th amendment, it is now. As Joe Biden himself put it, for God's sake this man cannot remain in power, for all of our sakes."

There will be no argument on that from any Republicans, but the Dems do have a dilemma.

"For the Democrat power brokers who want Biden gone now, they don't want to have their fingerprints on it, so pushing for a 25th amendment removal is difficult" said political writer Jim Hanson, "They'd love I think to see at this point an impeachment process. They could also threaten Biden."

Either get out of the way during a Republican pushed impeachment, or force Biden to resign.

"I don't think they want to do anything prior to the midterm elections" Hanson told KTRH, "But after that, I can't believe they're not going to push him out, or allow one of the mechanisms for removal to go forward, because they just don't expect him to make it."

The question is, how much longer can we afford to wait?

"Losing it is a very frustrating experience, and your heart goes out to anyone is" said Tucker Carlson, "But Biden is the president of the United States, and this is the single most volatile moment in the recent history of our country. Biden is leading the U.S. toward war."

That leads us to the poll question today.

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