Houston City Council member files grievance over bail reform

Bail reform in Harris County has led to a whopping 156 people being killed in recent years by violent criminals who have been put back on the street when judges gave them low, or in some cases, no bond.

Council Member Michael Kubosh will be filing a Judicial Bar Grievance for 156 Murdered Victims that were murdered because of District Judges not protecting the Public by setting a low or free bond on violent defendants. Kubosh tells KTRH it's about time these judges are held accountable.

"There has to be a public outcry. We have to raise our voices against these judges, and let them know they are elected officials, and that they are behind held responsible by the citizens of the city of Houston," Kubosh esplained.

State Law requires that a Judge must consider the safety of the public when considering bond.

"This will go up to the bar, and these judges will have to answer," Kubosh said.

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