A Confusing Holiday Tradition: Tipping!

Holiday tipping is an appreciated reward for hard working people who make your life a bit better.

One more holiday tradition - wondering whom to tip and how much. If you rely on service professionals you'd like to recognize with a tip this season, Ted Rossman of Credit Cards Dot Com has some guidelines for you. His firm surveyed people like you to discover which professions are gifted the most. "The fewest tippers went to trash and recycling collectors. Then came mail carriers, landscapers, teachers and child care providers. The group with the most tippers are house keepers. " Rossman says appropriate gift cards are best for those you rarely see face-to-face. And for professionals you see often like a hairdresser or yard worker, a cash gift of the amount of one visit is appropriate. He also suggests if you want to do something nice for your child's teacher, get together with other parents and combine your offerings into one cash-type gift card.

The Pros and Cons of Leaving a Tip

Holiday tipping can get complicated with some groups. For instance, your mail carrier gives you great service year round, but they are public servants. Rossman has the rules. "The postal service employees are not supposed to accept cash and cash-like gift cards [like a Visa pre-paid card]. Mail employees ARE allowed to accept store/restaurant specific gift cards up to $20."

Or what about the people who deliver your groceries and packages to you? He says, "Leaving a note with some pre-packaged cookies and other treats would be appreciated. Leaving them on the doorstep should work."

Click here for details on the survey and other suggestions.


Holiday Tipping for your Service workers

Photo: Getty Images

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