People don't like WHAT at Thanksgiving?

People's tastes in food vary. A survey from The Vacationer says almost a third of Americans don't like turkey, cranberries or yams. We surveyed some of the staff at iHeartMedia Houston and here's a sampling of the least favorite Thanksgiving offerings.

"Pass the peas away from me. I don't want peas on my plate!"
"Absolutely yams. A sweet vegetable? Who needs them?"
"Definitely cranberry sauce. Take it all - I don't want it!"
"The worst part of Thanksgiving is the TURKEY!!"
"Never been a fan of the cranberry."
"Stay away from me with that pea salad."

And some of our favorites:

"Our family recipe of broccoli-rice-cheese casserole."
"Dark meat turkey with gravy."
"Turducken. That's my favorite. The turkey with the duck and the chicken with a Shrimp and Rice Mixture in the middle."
"OOOOO---Stuffing! I love my grandmother's stuffing and turkey neck gravy!"
"I'm all about the macaroni and the sweet potatoes!"
"A nice turkey, a simple dressing on the side."

Ask your friends - you may be surprised at the results.

P.S. Here's one more and this one didn't talk turkey at all. "I like best hanging with family and sitting around the table being thankful. It's what I cherish the most!"


Least Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes - Vacationer.

1. Cranberry Sauce (29.92% dislike)

2. Turkey (28.09% dislike)

3. Sweet Potatoes or Yams (24.25% dislike)

4. Green Bean Casserole (24.61% dislike)

5. Stuffing or Dressing (23.42% dislike)

6. Coleslaw (21.68% dislike)

7. Ham (21.23% dislike)

8. Pumpkin Pie (20.77% dislike)

9. Mashed Potatoes (17.57% dislike)

10. Macaroni and Cheese (14.73% dislike)

11. Corn (13.82% dislike)

12. Carrots (12.08% dislike)


What people DON'T like at Thanksgiving....

Photo: Getty Images

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