In the last year, most American workers haven't received a raise - be it cost-of-living or performance-based. Bankrate says businesses are facing higher expenses at the same time workers are looking to keep up with growing inflation. He says their recent survey says only fewer than a third are actually making less than they did a year ago, but still a lot resumes are being prepared.
Hamrick says, "Wages are obviously of key interest to most Americans when inflation has been a Big Story for most of the year." Hamrick says employment changes that started with the Covid Lockdown are part of the problem. "In the latest quarter, employment costs have raised the most in 17 years!" He says many workers are looking for hiring bonuses and better wages from companies that are in need of personnel replacements.
Salaries Haven't Recovered Since Lockdown
"Not too surprising that a majority of Americans are looking for a pay raise --- AND a majority of Americans are looking for work!" Hamrick says if this is you, keep on looking as many employers are still competing to attract good workers, especially those with unique skills, talent, or needed certifications.
Most Americans Haven't Had a Raise Since Covid Lockdown