More Americans Say They Want Less Government

In a surprise to absolutely no one! A new Gallup poll shows that the majority of Americans are now in favor of a reduced roll for our government. A year ago amidst the pandemic, it was just the opposite, with the government expected to step up and assist. But now? People believe it's time to take a step back.

"I don't find that shocking at all, after what they want to impose on us, instead of letting us make our own individual decisions" said University of Houston political science professor, and tv personality Jacquie Baly, "Of course when you're stripped of your freedom many people are going to say this is wrong, I want to go back to normalcy where I can make my own decisions."

Unfortunately, that has not been the belief of the Biden administration, as we hit the 9-month mark.

The poll pointed out that 80% of Republicans believe that the government is trying to do too much, while almost the same number of Democrats feel that the government is not trying to do enough.

The surprise, and it's not a good one for the left, was the feelings of the all-important 'independent' voters. "Independent's continue to shape our elections" Baly told KTRH, "And independent's are now agreeing with conservatives and Republicans that we are being taxed too much, and that the government is imposing it's will on the people."

The poll also shows that majority of Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, believe there should be less taxes, which should make things really interesting as the Democrats look to pass massive spending bill, which experts say will significantly raise taxes for all Americans.

Photo: Getty Images

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