Despite White House Rebuke, Republican Resistance to Vaccine Mandates Grows

In response to Governor Greg Abbott's executive order banning vaccine mandates in the state of Texas, the White House actually had the gall to say that Abbott was putting politics ahead of public safety.

"When I was a kid, that was the pot calling the kettle black" said political analyst, Dr. Brian Joondeph.

Hypocrisy is nothing new, in fact it's a Democrat staple. But even with the Biden administration's overreach, Republicans and even some Democrats now, are pushing back.

"They're not willing to be forced to take a vaccine they don't want to" Dr. Joondeph told KTRH, "This comes down to 'my body, my choice' which for some on the left is a rallying cry, but with the vaccine they're pushing back, they're quitting, or they're being fired."

We are seeing it across the country with law enforcement, health care workers, airlines, schools, you name it. Millions of Americans are refusing to be coerced into getting jabbed.

So what does the White House do under all of the criticism? They lash out at red states like Texas and Florida. "That's exactly what they do, they go after their political opponents" Dr. Joondeph said, "Anybody that speaks out against their agenda, they attack. Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, these also happen to be governors of states that the Democrats would love to put in their column."

But while it may provide for good content for the partners in the corrupt mainstream media, Dr. Joondeph says Biden's blatant overreach is going to have severe consequences.

"It's going to effect people of both parties, and it's going to reach a boiling point. People will not forget."

The countdown is on to 2022.

Photo: Getty Images

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