Army and Marine Corps Leaders Seeing Suicide Rates Grow

David Maulsby of Camp Hope says he's not surprised with so many war-zone deployments, national disasters and often violent civil unrest. He says these military leaders should look outside the military command and seek preventive help there. "Deal with those early on - and they can be dealt outside of Military Command - they can be prevented from going down that really really dark and fast spiral towards suicide." Maulsby stresses that military families are also feeling the added stress, and their suicide numbers are up as well. "Suicide can be a result of what has transpired with experiences like the withdrawal from Afghanistan...What these men and women have seen - it comes home with them!"

Maulsby says VA and military hospitals are already crowded and to really help avoid problems growing into suicide, mental health issues would be better dealt with outside of the military. "They are not gong to raise their hand and say, 'Hey! I've got issues.' It could cause career problems. You have to have opportunities outside of military command."

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Military Suicides are rising at an alarming rate

Photo: Getty Images

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