How To Reclaim Freedom Of Speech In A Culture Of Censorship

In not breaking news, Big Tech censorship is alive and well.

Facebook and Google are back in the news, and last week it was YouTube announcing that any content that is anti-vaccine will be banned.

"Those who penned the constitution worried that the poison pens of a few, might one day silence the many" said FOX News contributor Adam Goodman, "It's safe to say those fears have now come home to roost."

So what can we do to reclaim our freedom of speech now living in a culture of censorship? Larry Alton, who wrote a piece about it for American Thinker says we need to protect individual rights to freedom of expression online, have universal access to the internet, and have a greater diversity of platforms.

"I think it's very clear that the self described woke are trying to put all of free speech asleep" Goodman told KTRH, "Now you see with the troubles that are facing Facebook and others, their using the internet to deepen their web of criticizing, cancelling, and eliminating."

Right now, the cancel culture and censorship is completely one-sided, but Goodman believes conservatives will eventually have their own space again. "At some point we are going to reach a choke point where this is so bottled up, and no one can seemingly say anything about any subject, or anyone, without complete cancellation. Then this will go the other way, but obviously we're not there."

As the old axiom goes, the best way to protect your freedom of speech is to use it.

A smartphone in hand displaying the "censored" text. Same text in red blurred on white background. The concept of censorship on popular social networks. Restricted access to internet. Shallow DOF

Photo: Getty Images

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