Aviation Experts: Air Travel Safer Than Before 9/11, But Threats Remain

Aviation experts largely agree that flying is safer today than before the 9/11 attacks. However, they warn of potential threats in the future.

Two decades and billions of dollars later, aviation security is better able to tackle a range of hazards. The system that allowed 19 hijackers to use box cutters to seize four passenger jets has been changed. However, air travel expert Jay Ratliff says we're not immune from future attacks. He has a number of concerns.

“The top one would have to be us not screening employees before they have access to an aircraft,” Ratliff said. “That to me remains on the biggest concerns because we have nearly 800,000 people a month that touch airplanes that haven’t been screened.”

Another concern: cyberattacks via a plane’s Wi-Fi.

“It’s also opens up the door of possibility that somebody could use that system and get into it where they could gain access to some of the avionics or different types of components in the aircraft,” Ratliff explained.

He is also worried about aircraft left alone overnight, with no protection. Ratliff says now is the time for lawmakers, security officials, and airlines to address potential problems, and not to wait for another attack.

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