It's the Last Road Trip of the Summer

Heads up - if this is your last chance to enjoy a bit of summer vacation you can still head to Palm Beach in Moody Gardens. Those white sand beaches are beckoning from 9 to 6 today and tomorrow.

It's an uncertain Labor Day Weekend for many travelers. The CDC warned this week that unvaccinated people shouldn't travel.

The long-lasting impact of Hurricane IDA up and down the east coast could cause a change in plans for many, and residents in Louisiana are rethinking plans.

42.9 million people are expected to hit the roads, about a 1% increase over last year.

Those flying have already left town, and those returning are most likely to get back on Wednesday, based on airline reservations. Some will unfortunately have to come home Tuesday, but if you want to avoid people, the best day to travel -- meaning the day very few others will - is Monday, Labor Day itself.

photo: Getty Images

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