The Trump Effect On Those Seeking Office In ‘22

Fresh of his rousing speech at the North Carolina Republican Convention, former President Donald Trump has another big event on tap for next week.

Trump is going to meet with GOP leaders next week in New Jersey to discuss the conservative agenda. "I think it's a meeting that's necessary" said RNC Committeeman Dr. Robin Armstrong. "I think it will be good for the Republican party, and good for the President."

And it will also be somewhat of a first. Normally, when you are the outgoing President, or if you lose an election, the party moves on, both Republicans and Democrats. You didn't see Mitt Romney, or Hilary Clinton hanging around after their defeats. But then again, Donald Trump and his role, is anything but normal.

Trumps get together will be with the Republican Study Committee, and Chairman Jim Banks said unequivocally, "The conservative agenda for the Republican party, is the Trump agenda."

As for what we can expect from the gathering? Dr. Armstrong told KTRH, "What's newsworthy is that they're even meeting with him, I think that's really significant" he said, adding "It tells of the influence that this President is still having, despite not still being President, so I think that's the big newsworthy item."

We're not sure if Trump plans to give any kind of a speech? Or address the public. But considering how badly things have been so far under the Biden administration, Trump has a lot to work with. "The Democrats are flailing right now, they're very scared about what's gonna happen in 2022" Dr. Armstrong said, "The even called Joe Manchin a racist because he's not in favor of getting rid of the filibuster, so the Democrats are panicking right now. They're trying to get through everything they can. because they believe they're not going to have power after 2022, and I tend to agree with them."

The was also a report that Trump plans to make another run for the White House in 2024, if his health is good. That was news to us, as well as Dr. Armstrong. "I haven't seen that either, but he's kept his options open. I have heard from people close to him that he is seriously considering it, but that a decision hasn't been made."

Photo: Gann, Brian (uploader)

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