Houston Continues to be Space City

The Houston Spaceport is adding a new campus that Allen Flynt of Collins Aerospace says will boost Houston business and space technology. "The new facility will feature Houston's first ever incubator supporting space flight. We have start-ups and universities taking advantage of the opportunity to partner and collaborate developing the critical space technology." Flynt says the future of space flight will benefit. "Being part of the Houston Spaceport will provide a great environment not only for Collins Aerospace, but other members of the space technology community and facilitate collaboration and communication."

Houston Spaceport is also partnering with area universities and colleges to assure the success of tomorrow's space industry. Houston Spaceport's new venture will help keep Houston on top. The Aviation Director for the Houston Airport System Mario Diaz explains. "We recognize that while energy will always play a role in Houston's economy and we will always be known as The Energy Capital of the World, but we must look at new and emerging technologies and industries such as aerospace to continue our sustainability." Diaz says their collaboration with area colleges and universities will help supply tomorrow's space innovators.

"Houston Spaceport offers aerospace training and a pathway to careers in the aviation and aerospace industries...under instructors who work at the top of their field."

The new campus is a part of Collins Aerospace Mission Systems.

photo: Houston Spaceport

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