Shadow Government: Who Is Really In Charge Of America?

You can see it for yourself. So if Joe Biden is just a prop for the President, then who really is in charge?

In a piece on American Thinker, author Robert Hutchinson raised the question, pointing out yet another note that you never hear anything about from the corporate media.

"Top leaders in the Democrat party actually demanded that Biden give up sole authority of his nuclear code" Hutchinson told KTRH. "That's a worrisome find, and an unprecedented situation."

Political commentator Debbie Georgatos also told KTRH that Joe Biden is fulfilling the role the Democrats want him to play.

"They propped up Biden because he looks like someone's grandfather."

So it brings us back to our original question, if it's not really Joe Biden? Then who is calling the shots?

Georgatos gave us a pretty good list. "I would say that it's a Marxist ideology that is in charge, but behind that my words would be Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, George Soros, and in some scary way the Chinese communist party."

The Barack Obama theory has been circulating for years, and Georgatos believes it's for good reason. "There are very credible reports that Obama speaks to Joe Biden numerous times every day. I think Barack Obama saw his presidency for 8 years as a very intentional effort to move America towards the Marxism that he believes in."

One other noteworthy item from this story. Robert Hutchinson noted that recently 124 retired U.S. military admirals and generals posted a letter questioning Joe Biden's fitness for office. But they said more.

"Not only did they question Joe Biden's fitness for office, they also questioned the results of the 2020 election" Hutchinson said, adding that the fact that they went public with such a list is remarkable.

And if that's not enough? The main point of emphasis of their letter was to express their concern about where the Biden administration is trying to take us. The retired officers said "we are a nation in peril, in a fight for our constitution."

On a positive note, both Robert Hutchinson, and Debbie Georgatos both agreed that our 'shadow government' will eventually be exposed.

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