Americans Are Back On The Road Again In Big Numbers

This is probably not a surprise, but a new study shows that Americans are getting back on the road again in pre-pandemic numbers. Tim Lomax of the institute of transportation at Texas A&M told KTRH, "it's very clear that the economy has caused traffic to come back and that's a good thing." Good for some, but not everybody. Public transportation is still way down, with the big ride sharing duo of UBER and Lyft dropping almost 50% of their business in 2020. "Certainly the ride share services took a hit as people were afraid to get into a car with a stranger" Lomax said. And as far the outlook for their recovery? Lomax believes "it's going to look a lot like the recovery of the economy. Some sectors are going to have much better ridership." The study also points out that Americans now feel safer in their own cars, which have now become an extension of home. And remember all of that talk about everyone working from home? The numbers show that 28% will be able to continue working from home, but for everyone else? It's back to work. Lomax also believes that we are going to see a lot of summer road trips here in 2021, "as the vaccines rollout and people get more comfortable traveling, we're going to see a boom over the summer, and more congestion." Buckle up, and drive safe.

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