Poll: Republicans Are Concerned With Issues Democrats Care About Opposition

It appears that with Donald Trump no longer in office to tear down, media outlets are now turning to 'polls' to get their clicks. The latest? A new survey shows that Republican voters are concerned with real issues such as the border crisis, defunding the polices, higher taxes, and of course the 'cancel culture'. For Democrats the number one issue believe it or not was political opposition, or more specifically, Trump supporters! Tristan Justice who wrote about the report in the Federalist told KTRH, "The Democrats have fought to delegitimize their opposition by painting them with a broad brush of white supremacy, and that's a really dangerous path to go down when you look at history." And backing up other polls, Justice points out how the numbers show that Republicans really are becoming the party for the people. "The Republican party has really become a multi-racial party of the working class, especially after last year." And Justice says the lockdowns really exposed that truth. "The pandemic has really become an elite pandemic, as the elite's have really profited handsomely." Back in the day it was Republicans who were looked upon as the party for the elite while the Dems were the party for the people. Former political scientist Allan Saxe told KTRH, that is not true anymore. "When I was growing we called the Republicans the 'country club's', they were the ones that were wealthy. Now it's the Democrats, surprise surprise! It really has completely flipped." It really has.

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