How Reporting The Covid Numbers Will Shift Under Biden

As the Covid criticism continues: it's President Trump's fault that the vaccine roll-out has been slow. But with two days to go until he takes office, what do you know? Joe Biden is already vowing that once he takes over, the vaccine distribution will hit warp speed! As we pointed out several times last year, Democrats used the Corona-virus as a political weapon to take down Trump. Melissa Mackenzie of the American Spectator told KTRH, "They went from impeachment into corona virus criticism. Different Democrat's in charge were willing to sacrifice peoples lives for political purposes. It's a really disgusting thing." And those marching orders for the left found their way here to Houston. As Mackenzie points out, "Probably the most egregious thing that's happened in Houston is keeping the schools closed, so you have all these children that are just so far behind. They'll never be able to catch up. It's a disaster." Lockdowns, and shutting down businesses were also the norm in Harris County. But now, Democrats across the land are suddenly changing their tune. Mackenzie said it's right on cue. "Absolutely, we're already seeing it. A new miracle study that calls into question whether or not shutdowns work? And the numbers will go down and we'll start to open back up." But even when that happens, Mackenzie says the damage is already done. "It was perfectly set up to destroy our economy, and remake it in the way they want it. It's a really evil thing what's happened to our society over this last year, and it's probably going to take a generation to recover from it." We can only hope, and pray.

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