Free Speech Is Gone In America

We knew that changes would be coming under Joe Biden. But the left has decided why wait! Using last week's Capitol chaos as their reasoning, big tech (Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon) are going for full blown censorship! And have decided there should be no more free speech for conservatives, or anyone who doesn't agree and comply with them and their ideology. Scary, but unfortunately true. Political writer and analyst Gary Polland told KTRH "I think there is outrage, you can be on social media if you agree. If you say things we don't agree with you are out. The left and social media have been waiting to shut down conservatives." Who would have thought that in 2021? We would be talking about freedom of speech in the United States of America? Polland points out "It does seem like we are in China, Russia, or Iran. The lesson that big tech is using is what they've done in China. People can't say what they believe, because if they do they will go to concentration camps." Which is really scary.

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