Norad Is Tracking Santa Today

NORAD has been tracking Santa for 65 years. For six decades we have been telling the story of a child who accidentally called NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado Springs, in 1955, thinking she was calling Santa. A tradition began that has entertained children ever since.

Air Force 1st Lt. Sable Brown has been on duty. “NORAD is tracking Santa using radar systems and satellite capabilities, and we’re updating his location now on, and you can see those updates on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.”

They are strongly urging Santa fans to make use of their website and social media platforms in this year of Covid due to a shortage of volunteers manning the phones.Most years they would likely have up to 160 people for each two-hour shift, many stationed at the base or members of their families, but this year to provide safe social distancing they are limiting the shifts to about ten people each.

If you’d like to call, the number is 877-Hi-Norad, though you may get a recorded message. You can also use your smart speaker and just ask where Santa is.

They started the tracking at 5 this morning Houston time.

photo: Getty Images

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