More Lockdowns: Bad for the Economy and for Your Health

This week, more states will be imposing lockdowns amid rising COVID-19 cases. Lockdowns aren't just bad for the economy. They're also bad for your health.

If you’re feeling gloomier after spending excessive time at home, you're not alone. Lockdowns aren't allowing Americans to travel broadly, and psychologists say it's limiting our ability to make new connections with other people or form better ones with people we already know. Author and travel expert Dr. Michael Brein, AKA The Travel Psychologist, advises you to get out of the house if you are feeling down, even if it’s a staycation or you only travel a short distance.

“Some of the things you love the most about your foreign travels or your travels to other cities, you can do that relatively close to home. Maybe you don’t have all the interaction that you’d like to have, but it is a way to break the feeling of being locked in,” Brein said.

Brein’s not surprised cruise ships are booking travelers just to simulate trips on their docked boats, and airlines are offering flights that depart and land at the same airport.

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