Election Night Coverage: What Happened To Fox?

The election is over, at least the voting part of it. And with President Trump vowing to take it to the Supreme Court, there is not only disappointment with the election process this time around.

Several conservatives are not happy with the election coverage...on Fox! The mainstream media? And the fact that they were -completely - wrong again about Trump? That's a given. Fox on the other hand, was supposed to be the place where Trump supporters could go to find the truth. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

While Fox was quick to call state's early for Joe Biden, the network for some reason refused to do the same with state's like Texas, and Florida, even though the data was clear that Trump had won. Political analyst Bryan Preston told KTRH "Why they did this? why Fox behaved in this way needs to be asked and needs to be answered, but I think a lot of viewers are going to find other networks to go watch. I did, I started watching NewsmaxTV and I never looked back."

We are going to have a lot to look back on when all is said in done. In the meantime, we wait.

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