If Trump Wins Will It Be The End Of Polling?

With less than a week to go now until the election, it's safe to say we are all on 'poll' overload! But GOP pollster Frank Luntz took it a step further, declaring that if President Trump wins again, it will quote "be the end of public polling in politics".

We should also point out that Luntz is still a little bit upset after tweeting out on election night in 2016 that Hilary was going to be our next President! But could we -really- see the end of public polls if Trump is re-elected? Chris Wilson, CEO of WPA Intelligence told KTRH "I think a lot of people might might argue that public polling should go away anyway, but no I think that's absurd. Right now you have a lot of Republicans who are down on the President's chances of re-election, and I just think that's myopic and a misread of the polls".

Wilson points out that in the 3 key states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, Trump is actually trailing less than he did at the exact same time in 2016! As for 'Media Bias' Wilson says it comes into play in the reporting of the poll results.

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