Hiring is Up --- Where are the Jobs?

More people are working now than back in April - and the U.S. economy added over 600 thousand jobs last month (09/2020) alone. So --- who's hiring? Robert Half Regional Manager Robert Vaughn says no matter what the industry - IT is the place to be. Not just in gaming or computer manufacturing - but in all business areas. Vaughn says unemployment rates for IT professionals are especially low. "People are attracted to the 7.9% overall unemployment rate - which dropped recently. BUT realistically, in I T fields, a lot of the unemployment rates are around 4%. He says many are still needed to aid the 'virtual-ness' of our 'Covid Time' workplaces. I T employees are fully staffed - and companies are continuing to hire. They are working to accommodate the ability of employees to be able to work both from the office and from home."

Health Care, including Mental Health Care, is also booming, along with construction, child care, trucking, gaming and e-commerce retail. And don't forget substitute teaching! Vaughn says other areas include gambling, healthcare and amusement like the Houston Zoo that currently has 150 openings for guest services .

Photo: Getty

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