Republicans Say Don’t Blame Longtime Post Office Problems on Trump

Democrats continue to attack the postmaster general and the president for allegedly sabotaging the U.S. Postal Service. However, Republicans are pushing back.

Trump supporters say Democrats are out of touch with what's been going on at the post office for decades. There are more addresses than ever, but less physical mail than at any time since 1985. We email more, and there's more competition in private companies like Fed-Ex and UPS. Last quarter, the USPS lost 2.2 billion dollars. Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation.

“What Republicans have been wanting to do was to step in and reform the Postal Service. The Democrats have simply said no, we’ve got to throw more money at it. So that’s the struggle they’re having right now,” Matthews said.

Matthews says he agrees reform is needed, but it's not likely private companies will ever fully replace the Postal Service, which is established by the U.S. Constitution.

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