Covid-19 is changing corporate America in 5 major ways according to Daily Pay CMO and Chief Innovative Officer Jeanniey Walden.
One is redefining business travel. "It's not that we can't fly on planes any more --- but you can't really go to one state without getting quarantined one direction or the other."
Another is implementing Micro Events. Says Walden, "We have switched to 'Micro-Events.' They are meetings over ZOOM or some other video technology."
Spending will be different during hiring because candidates will want home-bound benefits like top-of-the-line internet connectivity, hi-powered laptops and maybe home-delivered coffee!
Spending will be different for employee benefits as well. With employees coming back to the workplace after a furlough or layoff, they will be looking for ways to help them get caught up financially like a low- or no-interest loan.
Contactless Technology means companies will have to become adept at new technology and sanitizing their workplaces for essential staff.
No matter what - it's going to be a scary, exciting and innovative time to work.